International Monetary Fund, in particular, is designed to stable exchange rates of countries and to help the balance of payments (balance of payments problems in the book) . Organization is designed to help and support to the rice country. This support has quickly become stricter standards, such as control of the budget.
Role of the International Monetary Fund and has become important in many developing countries lack of balance of payments problems of the book is the result of high oil prices and higher loan prices the international market. IMF, however, has been responsible for a number of different poverty.
This is not a sudden development. Until recently, the IMF in Latin America and some countries in Asia, many of the credit for Focus on the financial stability of the exchange rate losses and calibrated to adjust to some extent as a result of the assessment and crisis in Asia in 1990.
I remember Indonesia as a leading official visits in the banking crisis, the IMF, the national debt denominated in foreign currencies as a result of heavy government and appears to suggest that devaluation and the flow of foreign capital. In some countries, the Bank recommended that the IMF will lead to total collapse. Indonesian President, Executive Director of the IMF Michel degradation contract signed by Camdessus. This gives people in the protests of the IMF role.
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